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Santa Catarina Street, 245,  Santa Tereza District,   Araçuaí - MG - Brazil  

Zip Code: 39600-000 

Phone- Fax  55  (33) 3731-2575

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Bioneem Company!

To Bioneem Technology Industria e Comercio Ltda., Dedicated to the cultivation, extraction and industrialization of timber and non timber extracted from Indian Neem (Azadirachta indica) an exotic tree species from India.

The active ingredients extracted from the Indian neem can be used in several segments, from the formulation of agricultural and livestock products, medicinal and herbal medicines, cosmetics, bio-fertilizers and decontaminating soil enhancers. In addition to active ingredients, if managed properly these trees to allow commercial logging about 12 years and hardwood for about 16 years.

Hardwood, used since the construction, furniture, nautical vessels, poles and stakes, has great strength and durability to be rich in tannins, not subject to attack by termites, and drill charts. Besides being rich in tannins has low permeability to water therefore does not suffer the effects of time and humidity.

Due to the microclimate and soil composition of this region of the Middle Jequitinhonha, develops coloring Bourdeau (cherry red with a tendency to brown) compared to Spanish cedar, whose international prices are around US1000 / M ³ for non-certified timber, and with certificate of origin and handling, can reach twice the value.


Respect for Nature!




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